Actinospore infection of oligochaetes living in the mud and on the roots of vegetation in an inflow brook of a Hokkaido salmon hatchery was studied within the framework of a Japanese-Hungarian research program. Two triactinomyxon types, 1 echinactinomyxon, and 1 neoactinomyxum type were isolated from the oligochaete Rhyacodrilus komarovi Timm, 1990 collected during the survey. The aurantiactinomyxons were recorded over a period of 3 mo starting from the day after oligochaete collection. The oligochaetes released actinospores for several weeks from the first day of the study. Spore excretion of individual oligochaetes was not synchronous. Of the oligochaetes examined, 0.7, 7, 3 and 3%, were infected with the echinactinomyxon, neoactinomyxum and the 2 types of triactinomyxon spores, respectively. Actinospore infection was intense in the positive oligochaetes in all 4 types. Of the 4 actinospore types presented here, 3 are described for the first time.