Background: Several storage methods using a wide variety of extracellular or intracellular solutions applied either as continuous perfusion, intermittent perfusion, or simple immersion of the heart have been commonly used. We have performed a prospective randomized multicenter study of 70 cardiac transplantation recipients to evaluate the Celsior solution for cardiac preservation.
Methods: Seventy consecutive patients were included in this trial and received a cardiac graft arrested and preserved with Celsior. The first follow-up period was 1 month. The mean age of the recipients was 49 years (range, 28 to 66 years), and 81.7% were male. The main disease was nonobstructive cardiomyopathy (64.3%). The age range of donors was between 14 and 56 years with a mean of 33 years. The majority of grafts (73%) were stored in 1 L of Celsior. A midterm follow-up at 5 years was performed and was 100% complete.
Results: The operative mortality (<30-day) rate was 6 of 70 (8.6%). Sixty-three patients (90%) had at least satisfactory hemodynamic measurements on day 2. The first postoperative echocardiograms showed good myocardial performance for 90% of the grafts. Actuarial survival rate at 5 years was 75% +/- 5.1%.
Conclusions: The use of Celsior in cardiac transplantation was safe and very effective. This solution proved very valuable in at-risk patients.