We measured non-specific immune function of various bivalves from marine (Cyrtodaria siliqua, Mactromeris polynyma, Mesosdesma arctatum, Mya arenaria, Mya truncata, Mytilus edulis, Serripes groenlandicus, Siliqua costata) and freshwater environments (Dreissena polymorpha and Elliptio complanata). We used flow cytometry to quantify the phagocytosis of fluorescent microspheres by hemocytes exposed in vitro to increasing levels of various metal compounds (AgNO(3), CdCl(2), CH(3)HgCl, HgCl(2) and ZnCl(2)). In some species, low doses of mercury (organic and inorganic) and Zn suggest a hormesis-like stimulation of phagocytic activity. At higher levels of exposure, all metals tested induced a significant dose-related inhibition of hemocyte phagocytosis. The species-specific sensitivity of the assay was determined by comparing the in vitro exposure using the metal concentration inducing a 50% suppression (EC(50)) of the phagocytic activity. Different species expressed different levels of sensitivity. Our results show the variability of the toxic response of different species within a group of similar organisms. It also highlights the need to consider species-species differences in ecotoxicological risk assessment.