Prevalence of childhood asthma appears to be increasing worldwide. In Thailand, the prevalence of childhood asthma increased from 4.2% to 13% within the past decade. The last epidemiologic survey in Thailand utilized the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC) phase I questionnaire translated into Thai language. Language in the questionnaire can affect the reliability and validity of results of the survey. The purpose of this study is to determine common Thai wordings actually used by Thai children and adolescents to describe wheeze, chest tightness, shortness of breath and dyspnea. Sixty asthmatic Thai children, aged 9.2-18 years with asthmatic attacks less than 1 yr prior to the study, and 178 age-matched controls were recruited into the study. Asthmatic children spontaneously expressed their terms describing their asthma symptoms (in Thai) and then answered a preoutlined questionnaire regarding asthma terminology during an interview session after viewing the severe attack scene of the International ISAAC video questionnaire. Controls responded only to the preoutlined questionnaire after viewing the video scene. Of the 60 asthmatic children (38 males and 22 females, mean age 11.9 yr), 75% had their last asthmatic attacks within 2 months prior to the study. Wheeze was referred to as " and '/wi:d/' in 50% and 33% of patients, respectively, and " in 93.8% among controls. Using only the word '/wi:d/' in our previous ISAAC-I survey, as it sounded like the English word 'wheeze', it appears that up to 67% of the cases could have been missed. Dyspnea was referred to as rapid breathing and feeling tired in 78.2% of cases and as rapid and difficult breathing in 76.3% of controls. Chest tightness was referred to as chest discomfort in 65.7%. Shortness of breath was referred to as not being able to catch a breath, too short a breath, not enough breath and feeling suffocated in 88.8%. Local terms for asthma symptoms should be established and validated into each language to obtain reliable epidemiologic data.