Purpose: To determine whether transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS) revisions with the Hemobahn stent-graft or the Viatorr endoprosthesis increase secondary patency rates.
Methods: Between 1998 and June 1999, Hemobahn endoprostheses (W.L. Gore, Flagstaff, AZ, USA) were used for the revision of obstructed TIPS in seven patients, 51-67 years of age (mean 59 years). From June 1999 to 2000, the Viatorr endoprosthesis (W.L. Gore, Flagstaff, AZ, USA) was used for revision of obstructed TIPS in nine patients, 33-64 years of age (mean 49 years). Follow-up included duplex ultrasound, clinical assessment and venous portography.
Results: The technical success rate of TIPS revision with the Hemobahn stent-graft was 100%. The pressure gradient decreased from a mean of 20 mmHg to 10 mmHg. The mean follow-up was 407 days (range 81-868 days). In two patients TIPS occlusion occurred at 62 and 529 days after stent-graft placement, respectively; in another two patients outflow tract stenosis occurred at 275 and 393 days, respectively. The technical success rate of TIPS revision with the Viatorr endoprosthesis was also 100%. The pressure gradient decreased from a mean of 27 mmHg to 11 mmHg. At a mean follow-up of 201 days (range 9-426 days), all Viatorr endoprostheses are still patent without in-graft stenosis, but angioplasty was required in two patients to treat a portosystemic pressure gradient > 15 mmHg. Four of the nine patients in the Viatorr group suffered from new encephalopathy after TIPS revision.
Conclusion: The Viatorr endoprosthesis yielded optimal results with 100% in-graft patency rates at follow-up but had a high incidence of new encephalopathy, whereas the use of Hemobahn stent-graft for TIPS revision did not appear to improve the secondary patency rates in our series.