A method is described for determining the absorbed dose to graphite formedium energy x-rays (50-300 kV). The experimental arrangement consists of an extrapolation chamber which is part of a cylindrical graphite phantom of 30 cm diameter and 13 cm depth. The method presented is an extension of the so-called two-component model. In this model the absorbed dose to graphite is derived from the absorbed dose to the air of the cavity formed by the measuring volume. Considering separately the contributions of the absorbed dose to air in the cavity from electrons produced in Compton and photoelectric interactions this dose can be converted to the absorbed dose to graphite in the limit of zero plate separation. The extension of the two-component model proposed in this paper consists of taking into account the energy transferred to de-excitation electrons, i.e. Auger electrons, which are produced as a consequence of a photoelectric interaction or a Compton scattering process. For the system considered, these electrons have energies in the range between about 200 eV and 3 keV and hence a range in air at atmospheric pressure of 0.2 mm or less. As the amount of energy transferred to the de-excitation electrons is different per unit mass in air and in graphite, there is a region, about 0.2 mm thick, of disturbed electronic equilibrium at the graphite-to-air interface. By means of the extension proposed, the x-ray tube voltage range over which a graphite extrapolation chamber can be used is lowered from 100 kV in the case of the two-component model down to at least 50 kV.