Purpose: This study was conducted to determine diabetes care priorities and needs in a group of urban African American adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Methods: One hundred nineteen African American adults with type 2 diabetes, aged 35 to 75, received behavioral/educational interventions from a nurse case manager, a community health worker, or both. Priorities and needs were assessed during 3 intervention visits.
Results: The most frequently reported priorities for diabetes care were glucose self-monitoring (61%), medication adherence (47%), and healthy eating (36%). The most frequently addressed diabetes needs were glucose self-monitoring and medication adherence. Most of the intervention visits (77%) addressed non-diabetes-related health issues such as cardiovascular disease (36%) and social issues such as family responsibilities (30%).
Conclusions: Participants' self-reported priorities for diabetes care directly reflected the diabetes needs addressed. Needs beyond the focus of traditional diabetes care (social issues and insurance) are important to address in urban African Americans with type 2 diabetes. Interventions designed to address comprehensive health and social needs should be included in treatment and educational plans for this population.