A cohort of 178 pregnant women with a history of first or second trimester abortions (2 or more) were the base of present study. In all, other causes of abortion were ruled out except for anti-phospholipid syndrome. Anti-Cardiolipin antibody (ACA) (IgG & IgM) was estimated in the sera samples of all women. Out of 178 women, any one or both immunoglobulins were above the cut off range (> 15.0 units) in 47 (26.4%) while both immunoglobulins were normal in 131 (73.59%) women. Both immunoglobulins were present in only 0.5% women. ACA-IgG alone was present in 11.79% while ACA-IgM alone was present in 14.04% women. We observe from present study that ACA is a major cause of recurrent fetal loss & many pregnancies can be saved if diagnosed & treated adequately.