Pulmonary surfactant protein D (SP-D) is expressed in alveolar type II and bronchiolar epithelial cells and is secreted into alveoli and conducting airways. However, SP-D has also been measured in serum and is increased in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome, pulmonary fibrosis, and alveolar proteinosis. To demonstrate that SP-D can be measured in rat serum, we instilled rats with keratinocyte growth factor, which produces type II cell hyperplasia and an increase in SP-D in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF). To evaluate serum SP-D as a biomarker of lung injury, we examined several injury models. In rats treated with 1 unit of bleomycin, serum SP-D was elevated on days 3, 7, 14, and 28 after instillation, and SP-D mRNA was increased in focal areas as detected by in situ hybridization. However, there was no increase in whole lung SP-D mRNA when the expression was normalized to whole lung 18S rRNA. After instillation of 2 units of bleomycin, the serum levels of SP-D were higher, and SP-D was also increased in BALF and lung homogenates. In another model of subacute injury, serum SP-D was increased in rats treated with paraquat plus oxygen. Finally to evaluate acute lung injury, we instilled rats with HCl; SP-D was increased at 4 h after instillation. Our data indicate that serum SP-D may be a useful indicator of lung injury and type II cell hyperplasia in rats.