Aims: To test the usefulness of upper gastrointestinal investigations and quality of life assessment in Chinese patients with non-cardiac chest pain.
Methods: Seventy-eight consecutive patients with non-cardiac chest pain underwent upper endoscopy. Eight patients had upper gastrointestinal pathology (10%). The remaining 70 patients received acid perfusion test, oesophageal manometry and 24-h ambulatory oesophageal pH (n=65)/manometry (n=61), and the results were compared with those of healthy controls (n=20). Symptoms and quality of life (SF-36) were assessed by standard validated questionnaire.
Results: Significant acid reflux symptoms were present in five (5/70, 7%) patients. Abnormal 24-h oesophageal pH, indicating gastro-oesophageal reflux, was found in 19 (19/65, 29%) patients. The percentage of simultaneous contractions was higher and the percentage peristalsis was lower in patients with non-cardiac chest pain when compared with normal subjects by 24-h ambulatory manometry. Patients with non-cardiac chest pain had a lower SF-36 score when compared to controls.
Conclusions: Typical acid reflux symptoms are uncommon in Chinese patients with non-cardiac chest pain, but abnormal 24-h pH results, indicating gastro-oesophageal reflux, were found in 29% of patients. Ineffective contractions were more frequently found in patients with non-cardiac chest pain by 24-h ambulatory manometry, which may have a bearing on the impaired quality of life in such patients. Upper gastrointestinal investigations are useful for the evaluation of Chinese patients with non-cardiac chest pain.