Thirteen patients with malignant mixed mullerian tumor of the female genital tract, treated and followed in our clinic from 1989 to 1999 were retrospectively evaluated. Seven patients (53.8%) with advanced disease or postoperative residual tumor were treated with adjuvant chemotherapy. The median age at diagnosis was 64 years (range: 26-79). All patients underwent primary surgical cytoreduction. Tumors were localized to the endometrium in five (62.5%), to the ovaries in two (25%) and to the fallopian tube in one (12.5%) patient. One patient with endometrial carcinosarcoma had a simultaneous second primary ovarian epithelial carcinoma. Two patients (25%) had a heterologous sarcomatous component. Myometrial involvement included less than half the thickness in one patient, while there was no myometrial invasion encountered in two patients. Five patients (38.5%) had more than 50% of the myometrium invaded. Two patients received additional radiotherapy. Six patients received cisplatinum-based chemotherapy (4 had doxorubicin including combinations), while one patient was treated with a doxorubicin+ifosphamide combination. Five patients (71.4%) had a complete response (CR) to chemotherapy. Response duration in patients with a CR was +13, +67, +10, +14 and +2 months, respectively. After a median follow-up period of 20 months (3-115 months), six patients have died, five are being followed-up with no evidence of disease, one is alive with metastatic disease and one patient is under treatment. Malignant mixed mullerian tumor of the female genital tract is highly responsive to multimodality treatment strategies. Further prospective studies are required to identify distinct prognostic groups that may benefit from various treatment modalities.