Gap junctions represent an important mode of intercellular communication. Connexin 45 (Cx45) is a member of the connexin family that forms gap junctions between adjacent cells. In this study, we demonstrate the expression of Cx45 in the olfactory epithelium and olfactory bulb in adult mice. Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction amplification of total RNA from mouse turbinates and olfactory bulb yielded cDNA fragments partially encoding for Cx45. In situ hybridization using Cx45 cRNA probes revealed that hybridization products were more abundant in the olfactory epithelial layer than in the lamina propria underneath the epithelium. In the olfactory epithelial layer, hybridization signals were relatively intense in a band spreading from the basal cell layer to 4/5 of the distance from the basal cell layer to the apical process. The distribution of cells positive for Cx45 mRNA is largely overlapping with that of cells expressing olfactory marker protein mRNA, indicating that a substantial number of mature olfactory neurons express Cx45 mRNA. In the olfactory bulb, cells with large nuclei in the mitral cell layer, presumably mitral cells, express Cx45 mRNA. Immunoblotting with an antibody recognizing Cx45 revealed a band at approximately 46 kDa in homogenates of mouse turbinates and olfactory bulb. Immunohistochemical studies showed fine immunoreactive puncta in the olfactory epithelium. Immunoreactivity was observed surrounding cell bodies and the proximal processes of mitral cells in the olfactory bulb. The data suggest that Cx45 is a neuronal connexin that is expressed in mature neurons in adult mice. Our study implicates a functional role for Cx45 in the olfactory system deserving future study.