cDNA microarrays provide an efficient method to analyze gene expression patterns in thousands of genes in parallel. In some cases, large unfocused collections of cDNAs have been used in hybridization studies, in others small logically defined collections of tissue specific arrays have been used. Here we describe the bioinformatic selection of 1152 named human cDNAs specifically designed for neuroscience applications, arrayed on nylon membranes at high density. cDNAs were chosen which represent all the major cellular types of the brain including; neurons, astrocytes, microglia, and oligodendrocytes. Gene families chosen include cell type specific markers, ion-channels, transporters, receptors, and cell adhesion molecules among many others. These arrays were used with region specific samples from human brain to determine MRNA expression profiles for each region. Used with 33p labeled complex probes, this is a low cost, highly sensitive approach for tbc investigator to focus on tissue specific genes of interest where samples of limiting amounts of RNA are used. This selected set of brain-relevant cDNAs should be widely useful in the analysis of gene expression patterns from brain tissues as well as neural cell lines.