An electrospray mass spectrometric approach to the identification of a human hemoglobin (Hb) variant involving a Cys residue incorporation is presented. In Hb Ta-Li (beta83Gly --> Cys), Cys83 forms inter-molecular disulfide bridges. Routine analysis of the denatured Hb showed the presence of a minor beta chain variant whose mass apparently was 1 Da less than the expected mass difference of 46 Da for a Gly --> Cys substitution. Reduction of the globin chains with dithiothreitol gave an intense monomer with the expected mass difference for the Gly --> Cys substitution. After reprocessing the original raw data from the denatured Hb and taking into account the possibility of dimer formation, a component was revealed whose mass was consistent with a disulfide linked dimer of Ta-Li beta globins. The mutation was localized to peptide betaT10 by analysis of a tryptic digest. Tandem mass spectrometry and DNA sequencing confirmed the Gly --> Cys substitution occurred at residue 83 of the beta chain. Problems encountered in identifying the components in mixtures of monomers and dimers are discussed.