Background: Endoscopy is the cornerstone of the diagnosis and treatment of acute conditions in the upper part of the gastrointestinal tract. The need for 24-hour availability of gastroscopy for these conditions has not previously been assessed.
Material and methods: We assessed the need for emergency gastroscopy in cases of acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding and obstruction by foreign bodies. The assessment was made by a gastroenterologist before gastroscopy was performed, and was based on the available clinical data for the period lasting from admission to hospital to the time of examination.
Results: A total of 162 patients were referred and examined. About half of them arrived at the hospital outside working hours. Of these, 47% were assessed as being in need of emergency gastroscopy. We therefore found that emergency gastroscopy outside working hours was needed twice a month per 100,000 people.
Interpretation: Round-the-clock endoscopy should be available at acute-care hospitals in the same way as other emergency help.