RD is a serious and well-known complication after cataract surgery, developing in 1% to 3% of all patients undergoing cataract extraction. High myopia, disruption of the posterior capsule intraoperatively or postoperatively by Nd: YAG laser, and vitreous loss increases the risk for RD. Retinal evaluation with detailed indirect ophthalmoscopy with scleral indentation and prophylactic treatment to all lesions that contribute to retinal tear and RD is strongly advocated before cataract surgery and Nd: YAG laser capsulotomy. Intraoperative vitreous loss should be managed meticulously, and these patients should be examined more frequently in the postoperative period. During phacoemulsification, no attempts should be made to retrieve the dislocated nuclear fragments without proper vitrectomy. It is best advised that a vitreoretinal surgeon handles the complication. Early recognition and prompt treatment following the detachment can result in good visual recovery.