Osteosarcoma cells are recognized by abnormal function that causes a primary bone tumor. Osteosarcoma cells U(2)OS and SAOS-2 were analyzed for the expression of cell surface markers. High expression was quantified for hyaloronidase receptor (CD-44) > moderate for integrins (CD-51 and -61), > and lower for selectins (CD-62). High mitotic capacity were demonstrated by gene expression (measured by RT-PCR) and the protein level (measured by FACS) for cFOS, cMYC, and cJUN. The basic definition of osteosarcoma is excessive production of pathological osteoid. Expression of mRNA for matrix genes osteocalcin, osteonectin, and biglycan was studied. Osteocalcin and osteonectin were detected in RNA from primary cultured marrow stromal, trabecular bone cells, and osteosarcoma cell lines (U(2)OS, SAOS-2). mRNA for biglycan was detected only in primary cells and MG-63 cell line and was undetectable in RNA from U(2)OS, SAOS-2 osteosarcoma cell lines and by RNA extracted from bone biopsies of osteosarcoma patients. The absence of biglycan message observed in osteosarcoma samples provides evidence for the alterations in the extra cellular matrix which result with non-mineralized osteoid produced by the osteosarcoma cells.
Copyright 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.