Incidence rates of Wilms' tumor (WT) markedly differ in East Asian and Caucasian children. In the present study, we examined WT1 deletions/mutations and loss of heterozygosity (LOH) on 11p and 11q in a large number of WTs and compared our findings with those from 4 series of Caucasian WTs. Incidence rates of the subtle WT1 mutation in 3 of the 5 series of sporadic and unilateral WTs including ours were 4.3-6.2% and similar. However, gross homozygous WT1 deletion was more frequent in our series than in some others. In addition, our series tended to show a higher incidence of LOH limited to 11p13 and a lower incidence of LOH including 11p15 than the Caucasian one. These findings indicate some genetic differences in WT between the 2 regions. One of the 4 Caucasian series reported a correlation of germinal WT1 mutation with the predominantly stromal histology. The present study not only confirms the correlation of germinal WT1 deletion/mutation with predominant stromal histology but also establishes a correlation with somatic WT1 deletion/mutations with predominant stromal histology. While WTs with WT1 abnormalities usually showed pseudodiploidy and predominant stromal histology, those without WT1 abnormalities showed various chromosome numbers and histologic subtypes.
Copyright 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.