Objective: To discuss clinical diagnosis and surgical treatment of intra-medullary epidermoid cyst.
Methods: Ten intramedullary epidermoid cysts were confirmed by operatively and pathologically from 1978 to 1995.
Results: The tumors were located in the spinal cord. Clinical presentation of this tumor was not specific. On CT scans, eight tumors were characterized by a homogenous low-density lesion and well-defined limits. They usually did not enhance with contrast medium. On MR imaging, four tumors were characterized by an important variability of signal intensity, well-defined limits. All patients underwent resections of epidermoid cyst, 1 total resection, and 9 subtotal resections. Eight cases were followed up from half a year to seven years. No case recurred.
Conclusion: Total resection of epidermoid cyst is the best choice.