Micromorphology of nucleoprotein (NP) complexes designated according to their descent and shape as Ori-somes is presented. These NP complexes of three different types harbor molecules of cytoplasmic "small" polydisperse DNA, which descend from origin regions of chromosomal DNA replication and are equipped, as shown previously, with early DNA-synthesizing activities. By negative staining the Ori-somes are visualized as particles of irregular shape, sometimes of a subunit-like structure. Micromorphological differences in size and structural compactness noted among individual Ori-somes are dependent on their type similarly as earlier shown physico-chemically and biochemically. Such differences were also confirmed by two different spreading techniques. The most unravelled structures with electron diffuse centers belong to Ori-somes of component B associated with most active DNA synthesis. In contrast, the Ori-somes of components A and C, associated with pronounced RNA synthesis, revealed large electron-dense centers. The incidence of replicative structures present in Ori-somes corresponds with the level of their DNA-synthesizing activities.