The OASIS gene, which encodes a novel CREB/ATF family member, was isolated from long-term cultured astrocytes that were employed as an in vitro gliosis model. In the present study, we examined the expression pattern of the OASIS gene in the developing mouse embryo by in situ hybridization histochemistry and compared it with the expression of osteogenesis markers. OASIS mRNA expression was most strongly detected in preosteoblasts of the outer bony cortex of the ribs. Alveolar bone also showed strong signals for OASIS gene expression. OASIS mRNA was also localized to the preodontoblast of tooth buds. Expression began at embryonic day 12 (D12.5), peaked around D14.5-16.5, and continued to D18.5. The pattern of expression was very similar to that of hXBP-1 mRNA, which encodes another CREB/ATF family member. Spatiotemporal patterns of OASIS partly overlapped that of osteopontin, osteonectin, and alpha1 type I procollagen genes. Among these, the time course of OASIS mRNA expression was most similar to that of osteopontin mRNA expression, suggesting that the OASIS protein is involved in the late phase of osteoblast differentiation, as compared to the Cbfa1 that regulates early phases of osteoblast differentiation.