The Sysmex SE-9c500 is a new, fully automated haematology analyser, providing a complete blood count (CBC), including a five-part differential count (DC), with flagging of morphological abnormalities. The SE-9500 was evaluated according to guidelines published by the International Committee for Standardisation in Haematology (ICSH). The results demonstrated minimal carryover (< 0.01%) and excellent linearity for WBC, RBC, HGB and platelet (PLT) (r > 0.995). Samples were stable with regard to CBC parameters after storage for up to 48 h at room temperature (RT) and 4 degrees C. Imprecision was generally acceptable for all CBC parameters (CV < 5%). Correlation between the SE-9500 and reference methods was excellent (r > 0.97) for all the major CBC parameters (WBC, RBC, HGB, PLT). There was minimal interference for WBC, RBC, HGB and PLT at high concentrations of bilirubin (BIL=224 micromol/l) or triglyceride (TG=7.78 mmol/l). SE-9500 reference values for CBC parameters are presented. Our results indicate that the SE-9500 is an excellent tool for routine haematological examination.