Objectives: To assess the satisfaction of men with their testicular implants after undergoing orchidectomy for testicular cancer, and to determine their reasons for accepting or declining a prosthesis.
Patients and methods: In all, 424 men who had undergone radical orchidectomy and were part of the testicular cancer follow-up programme were sent an anonymous questionnaire comprising 10 questions covering two main areas. First, the reasons for accepting or declining an implant and second (if they received an implant) their satisfaction with the size, position, feel, shape and overall comfort; 234 men (55%) responded.
Results: About a third (71 men) accepted an implant, a third declined and a third were not offered the choice. Of the men who replied 91% felt that it was extremely important to be offered an implant at the time of surgery. Of the 71 who received an implant, 19 (27%) were dissatisfied and felt that they had an average or poor cosmetic result. The reasons for this dissatisfaction are presented and discussed.
Conclusions: All men undergoing orchidectomy should be offered a testicular implant, irrespective of age. Sample implants in all sizes should be available in the outpatient department. This will give men realistic expectations and allow them to choose a suitable size of implant. The dimensions of the available implants should be improved to create a more elliptical prosthesis, to avoid dissatisfaction with the shape. Adequate fixation to the base of the scrotum is important to avoid the 'high riding' implant.