Aim: To elucidate if there are any peculiarities in HDL composition in Muscovites with different HDL C levels, and to reveal which HDL components could determine the disturbances in their antiatherogenic properties at higher HDL C level.
Material and methods: Sixty men aged 40-59 years with low HDL C level < 40 mg/dl (36 +/- 0.8 mg/dl; n = 30) and high HDL C level > 50 mg/dl(58 +/- 1.6 mg/dl; n = 30) were compared. Enzymatic, immunonephelometric methods and thin-layer chromatography were used.
Results: Men with high HDL C level had higher concentration of apo AI, HDL phospholipids (PL), ratios of HDL C/apo AI and HDL C/HDL PL but lower ratio of HDL C free/HDL PL. The analysis of HDL PL composition revealed in subjects with high HDL C higher proportion of phosphatidylcholine (PC) and lower lysoPC, whereas the relative content of sphingomyelin and phosphatidylethanolamine did not differ between the groups.
Conclusion: The peculiarities in components of HDL found among men with different HDL C levels could explain less effective HDL atheroprotective properties in Muscovites with elevated HDL C.