Application of powerful, high-throughput genomics technologies is becoming more common and these technologies are evolving at a rapid pace. Genomics facilities are being established in major research institutions to produce inexpensive, customized cDNA microarrays that are accessible to researchers in a broad range of fields. These high-throughput platforms have generated a massive onslaught of data, which threatens to overwhelm researchers. Although microarrays show great promise, the technology has not matured to the point of consistently generating robust and reliable data when used in the average laboratory. This article addresses several aspects related to the handling of the deluge of microarray data and extracting reliable information from these data. We review the essential elements of data acquisition, data processing and data analysis, and briefly discuss issues related to the quality, validation and storage of data. Our goal is to point out some of the problems that must be overcome before this promising technology can achieve its full potential.