The primary structure of syringicin (syr), a new acidic alpha-elicitin, isolated from culture filtrates of Phytophthora syringae, causal agent of citrus fruit rot, has been determined using a combined approch based on Edman degradation and MALDI-MS (TTCTT TQQTA AYVAL VSILS DSSFN QCATD SGYSM LTATA LPTTA QYKLM CASTA CKTMI TKIVS LNAPD CELTV PTSGL VLNVY SYANG FSSTC ASL). Syr has 98 amino acids with a M(r) of 10194.6+/-0.2, which was determined by electrospray ionisation-mass spectrometry (ES-MS) and in agreement with three disulphide bridges, located between Cys3-Cys71, Cys27-Cys56 and Cys51-Cys95. Syr induces a hypersensitive response and electrolyte leakage in tobacco. These are characteristic elicitor properties of the group and in agreement with the molecular mechanism recently proposed for this kind of protein. Finally, its possible applications in biological agriculture and biomedicine are briefly discussed.