The neuropsychological profile of a child with a Landau-Kleffner syndrome is presented here. The observed cognitive difficulties included verbal short-term memory and seemed partially compensated for when the experimental assessments bypassed the auditory channel. This case study is especially challenging since the child, whose phonological skills were quite efficient and who exhibited a dichotic listening unilateral extinction, had developed average reading and spelling abilities. The fact that B.E.'s performance on memory tasks was quite poor when the stimuli were presented auditorily and more efficient when the stimuli were presented visually, strongly suggests that the observed memory impairment was due to a deficit at the level of cortical auditory processing. B.E.'s phonological skills were efficient, suggesting a neuropsychological dissociation between phonological ability and auditory processing. The fact that B.E. dramatically recovered language and easily acquired reading and spelling accounts for the hypothesis that compensatory strategies allowed him to develop phonological skills from predominantly visual input.