The introduction of nucleic acid amplification assays into the clinical laboratory has reduced the time needed to diagnose diseases caused by members of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC). However, several mycobacterial species other than those of the MTBC are known to cause disease, especially in immunocompromised individuals. A screening assay has been developed for the detection of the major pathogenic mycobacterial species. The assay utilizes pan-genus primers to amplify mycobacterial DNA and a screening probe (KY493) that detects all major pathogenic mycobacteria. A multicenter European study was conducted to assess the performance of the screening probe in the clinical laboratory. The screening probe was evaluated against individual probes specific for M. tuberculosis, M. avium, and M. intracellulare, a genus-specific probe with broader species coverage, and culture. The screening probe had a sensitivity equivalent to that of the species-specific probes; all specimens positive with any of the species-specific probes were also positive with the screening probes. Compared to culture, the sensitivity of the screening probe was 89% (154 of 173) for all culture-positive specimens tested. This value was 89.6% for the genus-specific probe. The screening probe was more specific than the genus-specific probe. Specificity was 93.9% (661 of 704) compared to culture results alone. The comparable specificity value for the genus-specific probe was 84.8%. When clinical data were taken into consideration, the sensitivity of the screening assay was similar to that of culture (81% versus 76.2%) but the positive predictive value of the test was lower (76.2% versus 100% for culture). However, the screening probe was more sensitive than smear and may be a useful tool in the rapid diagnosis of mycobacterial disease.