The progress of perinatal medicine greatly reduced neonatal mortality and prognosys of the lowest gestational age (G.A.) newborns is improving continuously. The survival of the newborns with G.A. < 32 weeks doubled from the years 1973-1978 to 1995-99 in the our neonatal intensive therapy (TIN), whereas the incidence of the most serious pathologies of prematurity, which increases with the decreasing of G.A., has not changed in the years. In the surfactant era, Respiratory Distress Syndrome is not the first cause of death and Intra Ventricular Hemorrage and Retinopaty Of Prematurity occur now in the lower stage of severity in comparison with the past. Cortison profilaxys antepartum, delivery with caesarian section and agressive intensive neonatal therapy seem to be the reason of these results.