Purpose: To determine recommendations for curriculum change that are indicated by innovations in genetics.
Methods: Both quantitative and qualitative. The sample (n = 356) consisted of nurses identified as experts in genetics (n = 228) and nurses identified as potential users of genetics education (n = 128). Nurses' opinions of core components of a genetics curriculum were elicited via a mailed survey questionnaire. Participants also provided demographic information and completed the Jones Innovativeness Scale (1997).
Findings: Recommended content in genetics education for practicing nurses was identified by both groups of nurses. Innovativeness characterized 3% of the respondents. Ninety-eight percent of respondents said that adopting genetics education is important. In total, 398 items were identified as potential consequences of education that incorporates genetic information.
Conclusions: Identified content provides a template for genetics education programs for nurses. Genetics nursing education was perceived to have positive outcomes for both nurses and clients.