The recommended therapeutic doses of three kinds of tetracyclines, oxytetracycline (OTC, withdrawal period, 10 days), chlortetracycline (CTC, withdrawal period, 5 days) and tetracycline (TC, withdrawal period, 5 days), were each administered to a group of 15 pigs. Blood was sampled before drug administration and during the withdrawal period. The concentration of tetracyclines in plasma, determined by semi-quantitative ELISA, was compared with that of internal standard (10 ppb as oxytetracycline). The absorbance ratio of internal standard to sample (B/Bs) was employed as an index to determine the tissue residues in pigs. All 45 plasma samples from nontreated pigs showed negative in the residue of any of three tetracycline antibiotics. OTC was detected in plasma of pigs treated until the 8th day, CTC until the 4th day, and TC was detected until the 3rd day of its withdrawal period. The present study showed that the semi-quantitative ELISA easily be adopted in predicting tissue residues for tetracycline antibiotics in live pigs.