In Fukuoka whose population is approximately five million inhabitants, surveys on the accuracy of laboratory data have been performed by the Fukuoka Prefecture Medical Association for the last 30 years. We have been attempting to evaluate the data for routine use since 1988, and it has become possible to share laboratory data between all institutions in Fukuoka prefectures. As a result, reference intervals for 23 clinical chemistry analytes were established in 1995, to which were added in 1996 five serum protein constituents that have been utilized for clinical examinations. Methods for documentations and monitorings the data obtained in the prefecture were also established, standardization of the above analytes extended to 97% of the institutions in the prefecture. Results for 14 of the 23 clinical chemistry analytes have become highly reliable and clinically useful as differences between institutions in terms of results have narrowed. Standardization of other analytes is now in progress.