The occurrence of isozymes in plant peroxidases is poorly understood. Turnip roots contain seven season-dependent isoperoxidases with distinct physicochemical properties. In the work presented here, multifrequency electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy has been used to characterize the Compound I intermediate obtained by the reaction of turnip isoperoxidases 1, 3, and 7 with hydrogen peroxide. The broad (2500 G) Compound I EPR spectrum of all three peroxidases was consistent with the formation of an exchange-coupled oxoferryl-porphyrinyl radical species. A dramatic pH dependence of the exchange interaction of the [Fe(IV)=O por(*+)] intermediate was observed for all three isoperoxidases and for a pH range of 4.5-7.7. This result provides substantial experimental evidence for previous proposals concerning the protein effect on the ferro- or antiferromagnetic character of the exchange coupling of Compound I based on model complexes. Turnip isoperoxidase 7 exhibited an unexpected pH effect related to the nature of the Compound I radical. At basic pH, a narrow radical species ( approximately 50 G) was formed together with the porphyrinyl radical. The g anisotropy of the narrow radical Delta(g) = 0.0046, obtained from the high-field (190 and 285 GHz) EPR spectrum, was that expected for tyrosyl radicals. The broad g(x) edge of the Tyr* spectrum centered at a low g(x) value (2.00660) strongly argues for a hydrogen-bonded tyrosyl radical in a heterogeneous microenvironment. The relationship between tyrosyl radical formation and the higher redox potential of turnip isozyme 7, as compared to that of isozyme 1, is discussed.