The interhemispheric transfer time (ITT) of basic visuo-motor integration was investigated in a patient who had a lesion of the corpus callosum that spared the splenium and rostrum. Overall, 4291 simple reaction times were collected during unimanual responses to tachistoscopically presented lateralized simple visual stimuli at 4 degrees, 6 degrees and 10 degrees. Despite retaining some abilities that typically require the integration of information between hemispheres (e.g. haptic naming, tachistoscopic lateralized consonant reading) the patient performed similarly to completely callosotomized patients in a basic visuo-motor ITT task (overall 25.5 ms) at any eccentricity. These findings suggest that specific callosal channels mediate the basic visuo-motor ITT and these do not include the rostrum and/or the splenium of the corpus callosum.