Since January 1988 to December 1998, by the Department of Thoracic Surgery, Haut-Lévêque Hospital, University of Bordeaux, 68 consecutive patients were operated for myasthenia gravis. The aim of our study was to evaluate the results obtained in a group of patients who underwent a thymectomy for myasthenia gravis, in order to contribute for the determination of the prognostic factors which can influence the post-operative course. This series consists on 68 patients. Females were predominant, 41 patients (60.2%) versus 27 males (39.7%). The age extended between 15 and 80 years, average of 45.2 years. The follow-up concerned 52 patients (76.4%); out of there, 8 are in complete remission (15.3%), 31 (59.6%) are in a phase of clinical improvement, 11 patients did not benefit from thymectomy (21.1%), 1 patient died immediately after the surgical operation, I patient died some years after the surgical operation for another reason. In conclusion the thymectomy is a beneficial procedure for myasthenia gravis patients.