In 1988, Kalimo et al. (Ann Neurol 23 (1988) 258)described a new type of X-linked myopathy in a Finnish family. The clinical course was characterized by slow progression of muscle weakness without loss of ambulation in childhood and no evidence of cardiac, respiratory, or central nervous system involvement. Muscle fibers were not necrotic and showed excessive autophagic activity and exocytosis of the phagocytosed material. These authors proposed the name X-linked myopathy with excessive autophagy. Subsequently, only one French family has been reported with similar clinical and histopathological data. We report here five new families with a total of eight affected boys with the same clinical and histopathological features as reported in the original families. Histopathological findings of an asymptomatic mother are also reported. Vacuolar changes in muscle fibers result both from invaginations of the sarcolemma along with a variable component of basal lamina and from an autophagic process. The complement C5b-9 membrane attack complex associated with MHC class 1 antigen and calcium deposits is involved in muscle fiber damage. Among the X-linked myopathies, the identification of this new type is of great interest because of its favorable prognosis and unique morphological findings.