Objectives: To characterise cervical neoplasia after the menopause.
Material and methods: We studied our computerized files of CIN from 1993-1999. Of the 738 cases, 78 were after menopause (11%).
Results: We made a report of the specificities of cytological and colposcopical diagnosis and the treatment given. Cytological results are the same after and before menopause. On the other hand, colposcopical patterns are significantly different because of a particular topography of the lesion. The majority of CIN after menopause are localized in the canal and are 44% versus 12. Incomplete conization is no more frequent after menopause than before. However, stenosis is higher: 73% unseen junction against 15%. Therefore, at this age, a total hysterectomy could possibly be preferable. In this study, we will outline the positive and the negative aspects of this form of treatment.