Here we describe an approach to genotyping D. nodosus, based on variation in the fimbrial subunit gene (fimA), which uses polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification and hybridisation to immobilised oligonucleotides (PCR/oligotyping). The variable region of D. nodosus fimA, amplified and labelled with digoxigenin (DIG) in a single multiplex PCR amplification, was hybridised to a panel of group- and type-specific poly-dT tailed oligonucleotides that were immobilised on a nylon membrane strip. A mixture of positive control poly-dT tailed oligonucleotides was also included on the membrane. After hybridisation the membrane was washed to a defined specificity, and DIG-labelled fragments hybridising were detected with nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) and 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl phosphate (SCIP). The specificity of the oligonucleotides was verified by the lack of cross-reactivity with D. nodosus fimA sequences that had a single base difference. DNA from 14 footrot samples previously genotyped by PCR-SSCP/sequencing [Vet. Microbiol. 71 (2000) 113], was assayed using the PCR/oligotyping technique. All types of D. nodosus which had been detected previously with a PCR-SSCP/sequencing method were detected by this procedure. However, for three of the 14 footrot samples, PCR/oligotyping detected additional types of D. nodosus. Further PCR amplification using type-specific primers, confirmed that these types of the bacterium were present in the footrot samples. These results indicate that PCR/oligotyping is a specific, accurate, and useful tool for typing footrot samples. In combination with a rapid DNA extraction protocol, D. nodosus strains present in a footrot sample can be accurately identified in less than 2 days.