The aim of this study was to assess the detectability and distinguishability of the cervical spinal cord, the anterior and posterior spinal roots and of the internal anatomy of the cord (distinction of grey and white matter). For this purpose 20 healthy volunteers were examined using a 1.5 T MR unit with 20 mT/m gradient strength and a dedicated circular polarized neck array coil. Three T2* weighted (w). 2D gradient echo sequences, two T2 w. 2D turbo spin echo (TSE) sequences and one T2 w. 2D turbo gradient spin echo (TGSE) sequence were compared. The multiecho 2D fast low angle shot (FLASH) sequence with magnetization transfer saturation pulse (me FLASH+MTS) yielded the best results for liquor/compact bone, liquor/spinal cord and grey/white matter contrast, as found with regions of interest (ROI) analysis. The single echo 2D FLASH sequence was significantly poorer than the two me FLASH+/-MTS sequences. Two-dimensional TGSE as well as 2D TSE with a 256 matrix and with a 512 matrix yielded the poorest results. In the visual analysis the contrast between liquor and compact bone, liquor and cord as well as liquor and roots was best with me FLASH+MTS, whereas grey/white matter distinction was best using me FLASH-MTS. In conclusion, we would therefore recommend the inclusion of an axial T2* w. multiecho 2D spoiled gradient echo sequence with magnetization transfer saturation pulse and gradient motion rephasing in a MR imaging protocol of the cervical spine.