A preliminary survey of HIV risk and service preferences among American Indians residing in the New York metropolitan area included 68 women and 32 men (M age=35.8 years). Overall, the sample was knowledgeable about the mechanisms of HIV transmission, and 58 percent reported having taken an HIV test. However, of the 63 percent who reported sexual activity in the last six months, 73 percent reported engaging in vaginal or anal sex without a condom with at least 1 partner, and 52 percent used condoms none of the time during vaginal and anal sex. Almost half (43 percent) reported alcohol or other drug (AOD) use for non-ceremonial purposes in the last six months. Alarmingly, 44 percent reported lifetime trauma, including domestic violence (20 percent) and physical (29 percent) or sexual (26 percent) assault by a family member or stranger. Bivariate and multivariate analyses indicated trauma and drug use were factors that may place respondents at risk for sexual transmission of HIV. Trauma variables were better predictors of HIV risk behaviors than social cognitive variables providing preliminary support for the use of a postcolonial framework in American Indian HIV studies.