Background: Uterine papillary serous carcinomas are highly aggressive malignancies that often present with high-stage disease. We report two cases that presented initially as distant metastatic disease. One case was found incidentally at the time of axillary dissection for breast cancer and the second case in the workup of a neck mass.
Cases: Clinicopathologic review of the patient material including review of routine H&E pathology and immunohistochemical studies of the patients tumors was performed. Both cases showed high-grade papillary carcinomas with psammoma bodies metastatic to lymph nodes in the axilla or neck. Sampling of the endometrium in these patients confirmed primary uterine papillary serous carcinoma. Patients were treated with adjuvant chemotherapy.
Conclusions: Metastatic uterine papillary serous carcinoma presenting initially in distant sites is an unusual manisfestation of this highly aggressive tumor. This tumor should be considered in the differential diagnosis when patients present with metastatic high-grade papillary serous carcinomas and the primary site is unknown.
Copyright 2001 Academic Press.