Peptide presentation by MHC class II molecules plays a pivotal role in determining the peripheral T cell repertoire as a result of both positive and negative selection in the thymus. Homozygous I-A(g7) expression imparts susceptibility to autoimmune diabetes in the nonobese diabetic mouse, and recently, it has been proposed that this arises from ineffectual peptide binding. Following biosynthesis, class II molecules are complexed with class II-associated invariant chain peptides (CLIP), which remain associated until displaced by Ag-derived peptides. If I-A(g7) is a poor peptide binder, then this may result in continued occupation by CLIP to the point of translocation to the cell surface. To test this hypothesis we generated affinity-purified polyclonal antisera that recognized murine CLIP bound to class II molecules in an allele-independent fashion. We have found abnormally high natural levels of cell surface class II occupancy by CLIP on nonobese diabetic splenic B cells. Experiments using I-A-transfected M12.C3 cells showed that I-A(g7) alone was associated with elevated levels of CLIP, suggesting that this was determined solely by the amino acid sequence of the class II molecule. These results indicated that an intrinsic property of I-A(g7) would affect both the quantity and the repertoire of self-peptides presented during thymic selection.