We have demonstrated that DSCR1 acts as a negative regulator of calcineurin-mediated signaling and that its transcript is overexpressed in the Down syndrome (DS) fetal brain. To evaluate the possible involvement of DSCR1 in DS, we have cloned the mouse gene and analyzed its expression pattern in the central nervous system (CNS). Early expression of Dscr1 is detected mainly in the heart tube and in the CNS in rhombomere 4 and the pretectum. From embryonic day 14.5 onwards, Dscr1 is widely distributed in the CNS but becomes more restricted as the brain matures. We confirmed its neuronal expression pattern in the adult, preferentially in Purkinje and pyramidal cells, by double labeling with glial fibrillary acidic protein. We also show that although Dscr1 is present in trisomy in the Ts65Dn mouse, the adult brain expression pattern is not significantly altered. This expression pattern indicated that Dscr1 is a developmentally regulated gene involved in neurogenesis and cardiogenesis and suggests that it may contribute to the alterations observed in these organ systems in DS patients.