The Autocapture feature, implemented in the Microny and Regency pacemakers of St. Jude Medical, continuously controls the effectiveness of ventricular stimulation by detection of the evoked response. Proper sensing of this signal depends on the magnitude of the polarization, which should be minimal. Therefore, the conjunctive use of low polarization electrodes is recommended. Further, the pacing impulse of these pacemakers has a biphasic waveform consisting of a stimulus followed by a fast discharge pulse. This study compares polarization of a modified pacing impulse with the default pacing impulse, and its effect on the ability to activate the Autocapture function when used with different types of electrodes. In 45 patients, acute measurements of the polarization and the evoked response were performed at random on the modified pacing impulses of a custom designed Regency and on the default stimuli of a standard Regency. The following bipolar leads were used: 20 Medtronic 4024 CapSure, 12 Pacesetter 1450T, and 13 Pacesetter 1470T. Using the default pacing impulse, polarization and evoked response were significantly larger with the Medtronic 4024 CapSure compared to the low polarization leads. The polarization to evoked response ratio was more frequently acceptable for activation of the Autocapture with the Pacesetter leads. In all leads the modified pacing impulse was characterized by significantly smaller polarization with the most prominent reduction in the Medtronic 4024 CapSure. The differences in the pacing impulse did not affect the evoked response. With the programmability of the fast discharge pulse, the requirements to activate the Autocapture function were fulfilled in 29 (94%) of 31 patients with the modified pacing impulse, compared to 22 (71%) of 31 patients with the standard pacing impulse. The modified pacing impulse decreased the "polarization to evoked response" ratio, and by that improved the conditions for activation of the Autocapture function.