In addition to being an excellent model system for studying vertebrate development, the zebrafish has become a great tool for gene discovery by mutational analysis. The recent availability of the zebrafish EST database and radiation hybrid mapping panels has dramatically expanded the framework for genomic research in this species. Developing comparative maps of the zebrafish and human genomes is of particular importance for zebrafish mutagenesis studies in which human orthologs are sought for zebrafish genes. However, only partial cDNA sequences are determined routinely for mapped ESTs, leaving the identity of the EST in question. It previously had been reported that zebrafish linkage group 7 shares conserved synteny with human chromosome 11q13. In an effort to further define this relationship, five full-length zebrafish cDNAs, fth1, slc3a2, prkri, cd81, and pc, as well as one putative human gene, DBX were identified and their map positions ascertained. These six genes, along with men1, fgf3 and cycd1 define two regions of conserved synteny between linkage group 7 and 11q13.