In circulating lymphocytes, the VLA-4 integrin preexists in multiple affinity states that mediate spontaneous tethering, rolling, and arrest on its endothelial ligand, vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1). The regulation and function of VLA-4 affinity in lymphocytes has never been elucidated. We show here that p56(lck), the major Src kinase in T cells, is a key regulator of high affinity VLA-4. This high affinity is essential for the rapid development of firm adhesion of resting T cells to VCAM-1 and to their extracellular matrix ligand, fibronectin. Lck-regulated VLA-4 function does not require intact TCR nor several key components of the TCR signaling pathway, including ZAP-70 and SLP-76. Furthermore, stimulation of p56(lck) by the phosphatase inhibitor, pervanadate, triggers firm VLA-4-dependent adhesion to VCAM-1. Although Lck is not required for chemokine receptor signaling to mitogen-activated protein kinase, the presence of Lck-regulated high affinity VLA-4 also facilitates firm adhesion triggered by the chemokine, SDF-1, at short-lived contacts. Surprisingly, bond formation rates, ability to tether cells to VLA-4 ligand, and VLA-4 tether bond stability under shear flow are not affected by VLA-4 affinity or Lck activity. Thus, the ability of high affinity VLA-4 to arrest cells on VCAM-1 under flow arises from instantaneous post-ligand strengthening rather than from increased kinetic stability of individual VLA-4 bonds. These results suggest that p56(lck) maintains high affinity VLA-4 on circulating lymphocytes, which determines their ability to strengthen VLA-4 adhesion and rapidly respond to proadhesive chemokine signals at endothelial sites.