Objective of the present study is to provide a current overview of the present state of research in abdominal ultrasound in the gastroenterological departments of university hospitals in Germany. We conducted a survey assessing the number of research projects in progress, sources of financial support, sponsorship by the private sector and publications generated. Reports from 28 of 35 gastroenterological departments responding to the survey indicated that a total of 124 research projects were in progress during the survey period, for an average of 3.5 projects per department. Clinical issues were addressed in 78 studies, technical questions in 33 studies and other questions in 13 studies. Of the 117 publications generated, 50 appeared in German-language journals and 67 in English-language journals. At present, neither the German Research Association (DFG) or the European Union (EU) is financially underwriting an ultrasound research project in the gastroenterological department of any German university hospital. Ultrasound remains the most frequently applied diagnostic imaging technique in gastroenterology. In order to convert the enormous technological progress into improved diagnostic capabilities, there must be a significant expansion in research support for gastrointestinal ultrasound.