We evaluated the adverse effects, response rates, and changes in CEA-doubling time before and during DSM.ADM.MMC therapy (DSM therapy) in 8 patients with liver metastases of colorectal cancer. In principle, 600 mg/body DSM, 30 mg/body ADM, and 10 mg/body MMC were injected into the hepatic artery, and this treatment was repeated as often as possible. A total of 26 injections revealed no severe adverse effects. In 5 patients who received 3 or more injections of DSM, the response rate was 20% (partial response, one) and an improvement of CEA-doubling time was confirmed in 3 patients (60%). Two patients who demonstrated the shortening of CEA-doubling time after this therapy had shorter survival. It is suggested that to compare CEA-doubling times before and during DSM therapy is useful for selecting candidates for this treatment.