The alpha-L-Fucp-(1 --> 3)-D-GlcpNAc disaccharide structure is a vital core unit of the oligosaccharide components of glycoconjugates isolated from human milk and blood group substances. Alpha-L-Fucosidase from Penicillium multicolor catalyses the transfer of L-fucose from donor structures such as alpha-L-FucpOpNP and alpha-L-FucpF to various GlcpNAc derivatives and Glcp, forming alpha-(1 --> 3) linkages. The synthesis of several biologically relevant disaccharides including alpha-L-Fucp-(1 --> 3)-alpha-D-GlcpNAcOMe, alpha-L-Fucp-(1 --> 3)-alpha-D-GlcpNAcOAll, alpha-L-Fucp-(1 --> 3)-beta-D-GlcpNAcOAll, alpha-L-Fucp-(1 --> 3)-D-GlcpNAc and alpha-L-Fucp-(1 --> 3)-D-Glcp has been achieved in up to 34% yields by application of this enzyme.