The usefulness of preliminary films in the Hysterosalpingographic evaluation of infertility is studied using the Hysterosalpingogram of 200 patients, comprising 83 primary and 117 secondary infertility cases. There were overall 12 (6.0%) demonstrable lesions, 4 (4.8%) in the preliminary films of primary infertility patients and 8 (6.8%) in that of secondary infertility patients. Osseous lesions were found in 4 (2.0%) patients comprising 2 (2.4%) patients with primary infertility and 2 (1.7%) patients with secondary infertility. Non-osseous lesions were found in 8 (4.0%) patients, comprising 2 (2.4%) patients with primary infertility and 6 (5.1%) patients with secondary infertility. The overall numbers of pathological lesions, 12 (6.0%) discerned through preliminary film are too few to justify its continued practice. This and other relevant factors that would prohibit the use of preliminary films at Hysterosalpingography are discussed.